Student Solution


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Com Final Project

Com Final Project

Q This assignment requires you to work in 2- or 3- person teams to complete some in-depth interviews with CSU students to develop an idea of the interracial climate at our university. The main point of the assignment is to present A STUDENT PERSPECTIVE on race relations at CSU. There are three main steps: 1) interview at least 10 different students; 2) analyze your results; and 3) write up your findings. You should interview at least 5 Black and 5 White students, and include a mix of male-female, year in school, and major. You may develop your own interview format, but please include these questions: 1) demographics (yr., residence, age, gender, ethnic identity); 2) reasons for attending CSU; 3) any experiences with interactions in which race seemed to be a problem; 4) impressions of institutional efforts to address racial problems on the campus; 5) a sense that problems (if any) are getting better or worse; 6) acceptance of the African American experience requirement; 7) whether or not CSU works hard to recruit, retain, and graduate minority students. With permission you may tape record the interviews. Otherwise, take detailed notes during the interview. Later you can write up the interview. These interviews may not necessarily be lengthy and you may get what you need within 10-12 minutes. It is important not to rush the interview. Let your interviewees feel comfortable talking and free to elaborate whenever they wish. Try to encourage the interviewees to elaborate on their answers. You want to avoid simple “yes” or “no” responses. 3 Once the interviews have been completed and written up, begin analyzing them. Look for patterns and themes. Work at being open-minded and to suspend your own preconceived notions. Pay attention to what your interviewees are telling you and develop an interpretation FROM THEIR PERSPECTIVE. This part may take only a few paragraphs. Finally, write up your analysis in a 6-9 page paper. There is no need to consult published research (other than readings for COM 332), although you are free to consult and cite additional sources (if you cite sources use A.P.A. format). The paper must include quotes from the interviewees and should contain these parts: introduction, summary of the interviews, analysis, and conclusion. BE SURE TO INCOROPRATE AT LEAST 1 THEORY FROM THE READINGS! After reading the paper I should get a clear idea of how students feel about the interracial climate here. I realize that your research will not be in-depth due to limitations of time and experience. However, I challenge you to discover important insights into the interracial dynamics at CSU. Transferable Skills By completing COM 332 you will be able to develop these transferable skills: 1. Written communication skills 2. Verbal communication skills 3. Intercultural competence

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America is a multicultural nation derived from many different backgrounds. Over the past century, our demographics have changed at an extremely rapid rate due to drastic influxes in diversity. Institutions of higher level education are beginning to stress the importance of properly representing these changes in society. It is of many institutions goals, including Cleveland State University (CSU), to implement and focus on engaging campus-wide awareness of interracial and intercultural interaction. For successful interracial and intercultural embedment, it has been noted that, “institutions must create campus cultures that attract, support, and retain racially and culturally diverse students, faculty and staff “(Brunson, Lampl, & Jordan-Jackson, 2011).